5 Types of Motion Graphics You Need to Know
May 23rd, 2019
Not quite animations and not quite infographics, motion graphics have gained a lot of popularity in the last years. They are easily the favorite communication medium of many brands, educational institutions, YouTube channels, and even large production companies. The love for it is easy to understand — it fits with the snappy, bright, and dynamic nature of our era perfectly. Motion graphics have allowed artists to expand creative boundaries and appeal to wider audiences. Those limitless possibilities, on their turn, sparked the origin of diverse types of motion graphics, which on its turn lead to them being massively applied across industries.
Motion Graphic vs Animation
You will probably be more familiar with the close cousin of the motion graphic — animation. Chances are, you never thought those two are even different. Despite all the visual similarities, there are considerable differences in both the creative process and their purpose. Motion Graphic and Animation have similar origins but serve different goals.
The main difference stems from principles animators use when creating them. Quoting an animator from Digitec, the biggest difference between motion graphic and animation is that when artist work on animation they need to follow the laws of physics and physiology.
Motion graphic artists can be more creative with their motion, shapes, and forms as long as they help make a point. If you are watching an animated movie, the goal of the animator is to convince you that the actions are real. In motion graphics, the role of an animator is to transfer message. That is why seeing a triangle, turning into a bird, only to be turned into a shoe!
So what are motion graphics?
In their essence, motion graphics are like animated graphic designs. It unites music, graphics, characters, and motion to tell a story, persuade, or move the viewer. You can see that with so many pieces at play, the possibilities are limitless. No wonder, motion graphics are such a powerful storytelling and styling tool.
As we have mentioned above, motion graphics usually follow their own rules. They are governed by ‘ideas’ more than by any other principle and that makes the medium liberating and revolutionary. It is also amongst the reasons we love the medium so much. Also, it is much more budget-friendly, especially in comparison with real-life shootings. Motion graphics also appeal to modern viewership because of how easy it is to consume them.
The variety naturally gave rise to the development of different types of motion graphics and expanded the area of their influence. The graphics can be used in practically any industry. There are dozens of different types of motion graphics both by type, purpose, styles of animation. Learning about them will make it easier to understand which one serves the purpose better and helps you accomplish goals.
So, let's dive right into it.
Brand Videos
Brands use motion graphics the most. The usage is not only limited to advertisements. Companies use different types of motion graphics to present new products, present the company's culture. In other words, brands and branding have stopped being only about posters and marketing messages. A good marketing mix needs to include a variety of mediums and types of content.
It allows appealing to the customers the most, especially considering that the majority prefers to consume information in video format. Only some of them include product presentations, brand introductions. Their effectivity is obvious because of how controlled the experience and the medium itself is — you can let your customer ‘experiences’ your brand and its messages in a curated way.
Considering that the visual, audio, and fast-paced nature of motion graphics makes the content most suitable to the current digital world, the brands use motion graphics to make themselves more appealing to the modern viewer. It is also a trend that shows no signs of slowing down — especially considering how rapidly the industry grows.
Explainer Video
Other popular types of motion graphics are explainer videos. Those are usually short videos that help to explain a subject, concepts, or an idea. They immediately became a popular motion graphics because of our learning patterns and habits. Now, they are almost a must-have of tutorials, data visualization, and abstract concept explanations.
The scientific community of MIT has proved that visual learning is one of the quickest and most effective ways to learn new information. If you can see a concept, it becomes easier to understand That is why the explainer videos have helped to explain concepts to a public that would have been impossible otherwise. Add to it cool, colorful imagery and catchy text, and good audio and you, have the perfect video that might help you understand any concept in the world.
Instructional Video
The nature of the medium also allows making instruction videos effective and memorable. You can control the information the people are getting, how many times it is repeated, the graphics, and the exact sequence. It all makes understand and memorizing something easier.
The instructional videos can explain in a visual and simple matter what would have been difficult to explain in text or using images only. And probably the best thing about them is that usually, it takes only seconds to watch them. Not only they educate and help minimize mistakes, but are entertaining and interesting to watch. they are a win solution.
Movie Clips
Not as much used by the regular audience, title introductions and just the uses of different types of motion graphics in the entertainment industry. Their role is to keep the audience engaged and it might also be one of the oldest media, considering it has been been used in the movies as old as ‘Psycho’. They act as continuations of the plot, getting the audience in the right mood, without having to even explain them a story.
Some of those sequences, like the ones used as an opening in Marvel, become the ‘key’ points of shows, making them almost the most memorable part of the entire movie, TV show, etc. They play a big in contracting the right image of the movie and can set the stage and the tone for it. They are more decorative, that is true.
Some times, motion graphics only help to narrate a story. It’s a popular addition that appeals to the modern viewer. One of the best things about motion graphics is that they are a passive way of consuming information. It makes them a perfect medium for storytelling content.
Unlike animation, the stories need not be linear. The motion graphic artists can use the effects to jump from one frame to another and tell the story dynamically. It is a medium that allows for creative exploration and not only helps to tell an existing story but adds value to it.
Types of Motion graphics: which one do you need?
Sometimes, the one you need is obvious to determine. In other cases — less so. Each of the types has corresponding mediums and can be used by all the companies in all the industries to achieve specific goals. The one you choose will only depend on your needs. But we get that not all motion graphics were created equal. Motion graphic artist knows the subtle art of making them even
Of course, there are many more types of motion graphics. In fact, the medium is about as rich as it gets, considering the variety and diversity of tools available at its disposal. But you don’t always need to carry the responsibility all by yourself — that’s what real professionals are for. Our team will be happy to help you out.